
How do you find have a BLOG?
In the second semester of my IT course, the web design teacher gave us a task to create a blog and have two posts a week. I have to say… I have facebook and I read lots of others people stuff and check stuff everyday, But I don’t really post things every week. This challenge was a bit hard… for me , because sometimes I don’t post lots of things on facebook , as well sometimes you do not have time to post anything or you just forget, because there is so many different ways of communicate on the internet now , facebook, twitter e other. But I guest this was the reason she asked us to do at least two posts every week. To have a blog is not an easy thing. To create a blog and to get people and readers attention, you have to maintain your blog always updated and post things that people will find interesting and then, they will tell other people about it and in this way your blog might become well known . If this is what you are looking for. In my case I actually like the idea of having a blog , but just to share few ideas between my friends, things that I don’t find appropriated for facebook. Other benefit about having a blog when we are in college is later one … down the road , when college is finished , we can go back and check all this things that we did or things that happened while we were in college.
Have a blog is definitely a hard work…. but I will keep work on this blog until college finish.

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